About Socratic Pathways

In August 1914, Franz Kafka made a diary entry: 'Germany invades Russia: swimming in the afternoon'.


Through Socratic Pathways, I assist both individuals and organisations with philosophical 'swimming lessons' - practical, conceptual, structural - to keep afloat, navigate and where necessary find places to land at the coastline.  


This includes organisational advice, individual advice and practical support in communication

Our Mission

Socratic Pathways was founded to help individuals and organisations cultivate creative approaches and practical tools to navigate the complex uncertainties of our time. 


Socratic Pathways is operated by Laurens Landeweerd (dr.mult.), a seasoned philosopher with extensive experience in organising workshops and providing strategic advice in public life - to policymakers and businesses on ethics, communication, and entrepreneurial philosophy and private life - to individuals seeking to realise their creative potential. Socratic Pathways aims to foster meaningful conversations in these diverse contexts. Laurens is also actively involved in the International Association for Philosophical Praxis (IGPP). His work contributing to global efforts to integrate philosophical reflection into personal, practical and organisational settings.

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